By clicking 'Accept' you will be able to view information about BODCO infant formula product. By choosing to proceed you accept that BODCO is supplying this information at your individual request for information purposes.
Whilst breastfeeding is the biologically normal method of infant feeding and provides an optimal start for babies, we understand there are circumstances where parents and caregivers may be advised to or choose to either fully or partially feed their child formula. If breastfeeding is not possible, mothers should consult a health professional to choose the next best option. Formula provides a nutritionally adequate substitute for those infants who are not able to access breastmilk.
Any amount of continued breastfeeding will offer protection for the breastfeeding child and mother, such as reducing infection risk. Although many parents combine breast and bottle feeding, doing so in the first weeks of baby’s life may reduce the supply of your own breast milk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult.
You don't need to follow any kind of special diet when breastfeeding although maintaining a healthy balanced diet in preparation for, and during breastfeeding is beneficial.
Social and financial implications, including preparation time and the cost of formula, should be considered when selecting a method of infant feeding. If you use infant formula you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions - failure to do so may make your baby ill.